I started my medical career with so much enthusiasm and yet I was in actual fact, depleted. Depleted nutritionally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. I had no idea how to look after myself. Ironic how medical schools don't teach you that stuff but all of a sudden you're expected to treat disease and save the lives of complete strangers. I experienced severe burnout and anxiety by my second year out of medical school and am still in recovery, 7 years later. I would not wish what I went through on my worst enemy. It has ignited a fire in me to teach medical students and doctors what I wish I was taught before I graduated medical school. How do you meet your needs first? How do you stand up for yourself? Medicine as a career is incredibly rewarding and a privilege to be a part of, but no job is worth your physical, mental and spiritual health. Allow me to teach you evidence-based tools and strategies to optimise your health so you can go out into the world and achieve whatever your heart desires.